Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mrs. Eastwood & Company Daughters: ?Our Boyfriends Are Scared Of Our Dad!'

Introducing a new guy to the man of the house can be super stressful for any teen girl, but it?s a whole new level of horror when your dad is Dirty Harry himself, Clint Eastwood.

The stars of E!?s new reality show, Mrs. Eastwood & Company, Francesca, 19, and Morgan, 15, open up in the new issue In Touch ? on newsstands now ? about what it?s like having the larger-than-life icon, 82, as their father.

?My guy friends have seen his movies and they?re all scared!? Morgan tells In Touch, adding that her outspoken mother, Dina, is even more frightening to her pals.

?My dad?s not like, ?Oh, I?m gonna get my gun!? It?s actually my mom who?s more protective.? Francesca, who dates photographer Tyler Shields, insists their father is more teddy bear than tough guy.

?My dad?s intimidating at first, but now he?s really nice to my boyfriend,? she says. ?They?re both guys? guys, who talk about stuff like helicopters, planes and weapons.?

For more from the Eastwood family, pick up this week?s issue of In Touch and catch their show on E!, Sundays at 10 p.m. ET.

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