Sunday, January 20, 2013

Property Auction Process: Be in the Know

Buying a property at auction is easy, buying the right property isn't quite so! There are a plethora of TV programmes on during the daytime, that chart the fortunes of people that are "have a go", Auction buyers. On television, they make the whole buying at auction process seem so easy, and worry free. Well is it really that easy? Well, it can be, if you are well prepared, and remember that there is a difference between what makes good viewing and what makes good sense! Do remember the property professional's adage "you make the money in property when you buy, not sell". Keep that one firmly in mind. Buying a property at auction can be very rewarding, both personally and financially. However there can have pitfalls for the unwary, so I have put together a guide, that you might find helpful.

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