Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Twitter Ditches ?Casual Friday?, Lets Employees Do #FridayForGood Community Service

8200541307_b796ff3205_zClearly, I'm interested in how companies interact with their surroundings, as I feel like it's an important part of pushing our industry forward. Nobody likes to think about five developers locked in a room somewhere, coding until they pass out. Yes, I know that's the reality for many young startups, but as they grow up into larger companies, things change. For a company like Twitter, one of the ways things have changed is that members of its teams go out once in a while on a Friday for "Friday For Good" day. Basically, employees at Twitter go and volunteer in different places. Its new office in San Francisco is in an area that definitely needs some love from the companies that inhabit it. Twitter is honestly trying to make a difference.

proclear multifocal


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