Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Should I Try To Force My Spouse To Seek Counseling Or Accept A Divorce?

I heard from a wife who said: "I am so fed up with my husband and with my marriage. My husband is so condescending to me that I'm not sure if I want to be married to him anymore. I stay at home with my children and it's as if he thinks that this gives him the right to expect for me to be his hired assistant or housekeeper. Staying home with the kids is work but he doesn't see it that way. He doesn't seem to respect or value me and I feel horribly resentful about this so we always end up fighting. I've been referred to a good counselor that I'd really like to consult to help us with our marriage. But my husband doesn't want to go. He thinks it's a waste of time and money. At this point, if we don't get some help, then I don't want to participate in this marriage. I believe the counselor could help us, but I don't want to stay in my marriage as it is right now. Should I give my husband an ultimatum to go to counseling or to accept a divorce?"

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